Thursday 30 September 2010

Baile Funk

Ever since our first party in São Paulo dorms, we have been a bit obsessed with funk. Shortly put, it's Brazilian ghetto music that was born in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro that has steadily been rising in popularity since the mid 90s. Funk is a fantastic example of music that is by the people, for the people, with no frills or pretence, just grimy beats! The backbone is an electric beat that samples the same few songs and sounds like it was composed on your brothers old keyboard. The raps are the filthiest you have ever heard (thats right, they would rival anything by 50 Cent or Snoop Dog) but luckily for me, I don´t understand the majority of whats being said. I had a look on youtube to find a decent example of what I´m talking about... and this is the least offensive clip I could find! Cabecinha by Bonde do Tigrão - this is what you would call a 'goldie oldie' of the funk genre and has been our theme song since we arrived. Para na posição! (You be amazed at how many lessons we manage to sneak that phrase into).

Being in the North East you don´t get a lot of funk, so when we heard there was a theme party this weekend at a run down adult cinema in the city centre, we were all over it. The location was perfect, the whole point of funk is that it is down right dirty. We paid our R$ 11 (four quid) and had our pinky nail painted red. We passed through a curtain into an outside yard full of funkeiros, drinking, dancing, sweating, singing, having an absolute blast. You can tell it´s good party if I decide not to drink - I stayed on Coca Cola and still danced til dawn. Our group was the same melting pot of nationalities and sexualities - which I absolutely love. Highlight of the night? Dancing our own routine to Cabecinha, of course.

Can´t wait til December to experience a baile funk in Rio...

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